Cohort 1 (2016–2019)

“A Culture of Health is rooted in equity, diversity and inclusion.”

The first cohort brought together 40 leaders from 20 states across the country, from fields and backgrounds as diverse as environmental justice, urban farming, health equity and access to health care for people with disabilities. These leaders were pioneers of a new path, whose experience informed the initial trajectory and evolution of this unique leadership program.

In Cohort 1’s vision of a Culture of Health:

  1. People value and demonstrate love, respect and empathy toward others.
  2. Resources and power are used equitably. Through inclusive processes, governments and other organizations plan for and respond to the collective needs of all populations.
  3. Governments and policies fairly represent all people, consider health impacts and actively protect their health and human rights.
  4. Communities and organizations work collaboratively and cooperatively.

To learn more about their inspiring vision, click here.

To learn more about the leaders and their unique work, visit their profiles below.