
Gaurab Basu

Gaurab Basu
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts Cohort Start Year: 2018 Project Topics: Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Health Care Access, Leadership Development, Public, Population and Community Health Populations Served: African-American/Black, At-Risk/Vulnerable Populations, Low-Income Communities
Instructor in Medicine
Harvard Medical School

Gaurab believes that clinicians have a professional responsibility to develop their capacity to be agents of social change. Clinicians have a unique vantage point from which they can see the ways that social, economic, and political factors can influence the delivery of health care. They can play an important role in promoting a health care system that recognizes human dignity and health care as a human right. Gaurab develops health equity curriculum and community organizing programming for health care professionals.

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Center for Health Equity Education & Advocacy
This proposal is for the creation of the Center for Health Equity Education and Advocacy (CHEEA). This is a center that will create social medicine, health equity and advocacy curricular programming for health professionals. There is a growing awareness of the importance of clinicians to engage as agents of social change. However, there is a paucity of resources to help support clinicians develop in this work. CHEEA curricular offerings will be interprofessional and community based. Various courses will be offered to different audiences at different stages of their careers. It will seek to not only teach health professionals about topics in health equity and social justice, but to explore their professional identity and roles they can play in making change. Specific skill sets such as op-ed writing, community organizing and public speaking will be taught. We will partner with stake holders in the community and at our hospital.

Gaurab is a primary care physician and instructor at Harvard Medical School and Co-Director of the Center for Health Equity Education & Advocacy (CHEEA) who believes that medical education has an obligation to inspire, empower, and train students and residents to be capable of making social change and promoting equity. He has trained in fields of medicine, public health, international relations, community organizing, and global health.

Click here to watch Gaurab’s Legacy Project video.