Current Leader

Nicole Martin-Bynum

Nicole Martin-Bynum
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida Cohort Start Year: 2020 Project Topics: Community/Civic Engagement, Early Childhood, Education, Leadership Development, Racial Justice, Social Sector/Non-Profit, Violence and Trauma Populations Served: Adults (21-64 years), African-American/Black, Children and Families, Hispanic/Latino/Latinx, Low-Income Communities, Urban Communities, Young Children (0-5 years)
Founder & Chief Vision Keeper
Seek Higher Ground

Nicole “Nikki” Martin-Bynum is the founder and chief vision keeper of Seek Higher Ground—a growing network of accomplices, organizers, and tightrope walkers (those who live between the world as it is and what it can be). In pursuit of a more perfect union, Nikki’s work meets at the intersection of justice and healing. She specializes in executive coaching, organizational transformation, systems change/(re)building, and amplifying the brilliance of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) leaders. Her superpower is the ability to identify the ever-metastasizing, insidious nature of racism and insert a Lauryn Hill lyric into just about every conversation, since “Everything is [truly] Everything.” Simply stated, Nikki’s work is to support individuals and institutions to deeply reflect on how they are contributing to society in ways that support what Aida Mariam Davis calls “Dignity, Belonging, Justice, and Joy.” At a time when performative acts are causing serious harm, Nikki’s work has increased to disrupt and support individuals and institutions toward meaningful acts. These skills are refined through formal education and remaining locked-in to Black and brown communities. As the young people say, she’s good on any MLK Boulevard (or the White House).

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Florida Parent Leadership Network
The Florida Parent Leadership Network (FPLN) is an emerging network of diverse parents who are committed to the state of Florida becoming a place of belonging, where each child and his or her parent(s) thrive(s). The FLPN honors how parents are teaching, learning, engaging, and leading on behalf of their own child(ren) and the children in their neighborhood. FPLN holds space—and amplifies with direct support—parents who are leading, on their block and beyond, to shape and influence the wellbeing of children in the state. Collectively, by creating these cross-state relationships, advocating together, decentering oppressive practices, and re-centering justice and dignity, we will contribute to a healthier state through movement-building efforts.

As the daughter of immigrants and a sister to eight siblings, Nikki experiences the blessings and burdens of being Black in America from multiple vantage points. As such, she’s deeply passionate about contributing to a “New America.” As a Culture of Health Leader, Nikki is leading efforts to bring parents from across the state of Florida together in support of a “New America” where each child is affirmed and celebrated. This requires Nikki to show up boldly, so she’s clear that “I Am, Because We Are,” and this way of life is fueled by a rock-solid husband, precocious/humorous son, and a circle of mentors, family, friends, and ancestors who give her the strength, courage, and hope to Seek Higher Ground as an ally and vision keeper for those individuals and institutions doing deep reflection (and acting) on how they are contributing to society.