
Robert Torres

Robert Torres
Location: Boston, Massachusetts Cohort Start Year: 2017 Project Topic: Built Environment/Housing/Planning Populations Served: African-American/Black, Children and Families, Hispanic/Latino/Latinx, Low-Income Communities, Urban Communities
Director of Community Benefits
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

I focus on building affordable housing in Boston and creating prosperous communities. Boston is the third most expensive city in the United States, right behind New York and San Francisco. Lower-income residents in Boston often bear extremely high rent burdens, sometimes paying more than 75 percent of their income on rent, often causing families to forgo addressing critical health needs. I work to create more affordable housing opportunities, connect residents to needed services, and design programs and systems that support healthy communities.

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Living in COVID-19: How Men of Color Describe COVID’s Impact
Living in COVID-19 is a strategic initiative that relies on themes emerging from men of color that will inform how funds will be used. In September, fellow leader Isaiah Pickens will facilitate two focus groups, and Rio Holaday will draw two infographics. Pickens and Holaday will provide technical assistance to two budding leaders in the Boston area who are interested in learning more about graphic recording and facilitation. Allocated funds will be utilized according to the specifications provided by focus group participants.

I am an affordable housing advocate and a community builder. My mission is to create healthy and equitable communities where residents are positioned to self-organize to drive positive change.

Click here to watch Robert’s Legacy Project video.