Living the Hopkins Mission

Culture of Health Leader Thomas Cudjoe, MD, GER, and Clinical Scholar Megan Tschudy, MD, MPH, have been named exemplars of excellence, integrity and inclusive leadership by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. As a part of the celebration of the school’s 125th anniversary, Cudjoe and Tschudy are included as two of 125 “Living the Hopkins Mission” honorees. Each was nominated by their peers in the medical school and selected for their outstanding dedication to the University’s core values, which include a commitment to exceptional service and principled leadership, collegiality, and dedication to diversity and inclusion.
We salute this recognition for many of the traits the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation celebrates with its Leadership programs, and invite you to learn more about them below.
Thomas Cudjoe, MD, GER:
Thomas Cudjoe is a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins and staple of the Baltimore community, where he serves as a mentor through Thread: The New Social Fabric program works to fight hunger with Baltimore City Eating Together and leads the Department of Medicine Civic Engagement Initiative.
As a participant in the Culture of Health Leaders program, Thomas draws on his medical knowledge, his public health training, and his experiences as a caregiver for his grandparents to develop and disseminate strategies to sustain and improve the well-being of older adults. For Thomas, improving mobility and social engagement are essential to sustaining elders’ physical and mental health, and to ensuring their ability to be the community treasures they truly are.
Megan Tschudy, MD, MPH:
Megan is an assistant professor of pediatrics in Baltimore. Since joining Johns Hopkins University, Megan has become assistant medical director of the Harriet Lane Clinic, where she has worked to develop new and innovative solutions to eliminate health disparities in pediatric care by integrating school attendance data into clinical care.
In the Clinical Scholars program, Megan and her two partners, Katherine Connor, MD, MSPH, and Katherine Bissett, BA, BSN—also Johns Hopkins students—aim to work across sectors with school-based health centers, primary care providers, insurers, and school districts to design and implement a school-based asthma controller program that will reduce absenteeism and improve outcomes for all kids, regardless of their status or risk factors.