
Erica Woodland

Erica Woodland
Location: Baltimore , Maryland Cohort Start Year: 2017 Project Topics: Behavioral and Mental Health, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Health Care Access Populations Served: At-Risk/Vulnerable Populations, LGBTQ+ Communities, People Living with HIV/AIDS, People with Disabilities, Young Children (0-5 years)
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network

Despite our growing awareness of the impacts of trauma—individual, intergenerational, historical, and collective—we still live in communities that lack the conditions necessary for healing. For queer and trans people of color, mental health resources are largely inaccessible due to cost and the ways in which racism, queerphobia, transphobia, and ableism are embedded within systems of care. The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network is a healing justice organization that recognizes the role of systems of oppression in the trauma we experience in our daily lives. We seek to build healing resources rooted in social justice and liberation.

STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Healing Justice (HJ) 2020 Convening for Queer & Trans People of Color
The HJ 2020 Convening will mobilize QTPOC (queer and trans people of color) health, mental health, and healing practitioners across the country for an opportunity to transform physical, emotional, and spiritual care for queer and trans people of color living in the United States. The HJ 2020 Convening seeks to intervene on the medical industrial complex by 1) building relationships and power with QTPOC practitioners within and across health, mental health, and healing sectors; 2) strengthening the integration of healing justice as a framework for care for QTPOC; and 3) laying the foundation for ongoing organization to simultaneously transform dominant systems of care as well as foster the creation of new systems of care by and for queer and trans people of color. By engaging QTPOoC health, mental health, and healing practitioners in this political moment, we aim to interrupt the harm experienced by our communities as a result of the current healthcare system.

I am a clinical social worker, healing justice practitioner, and trainer who believes that the communities and leaders most impacted by systems of oppression carry essential expertise and solutions for their healing and liberation.